License Agreement for the Use of the Digital Products of exgenio Academy

§1 Validity of this License Agreement

exgenio GmbH & Co KG, Alter Schlachthof 23c, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany, (hereinafter referred to as "we" or "exgenio") operates an Online learning platform at the website (hereinafter referred to as "exgenio Academy"). In the exgenio Academy, the customer finds offers for digital further educational products such as video files, training materials, online books or audio books, podcasts and other audio files (hereinafter: "Products").

The following conditions apply to the use of these products:

§2 Provision of the Digital Products

After the order has been completed, the customer receives his individualized access to the purchased product, to which he can access with his login data (e-mail address and password) for the duration of the issued the right of use repeatedly. The customer acquires a simple non-transferable right to use the products for the personal use of the customer. Usage. Use by third parties is not permitted.

The products such as video files, webinars or audio files are usually made available via online streaming. In this case no files stored on the customer's computer, but these are can only be consumed online. This means that the customer can needs sufficiently powerful Internet access to use the product to be able to. Offline use is not possible with these products.

Other digital products, such as text or audio documents, can be and saved permanently by the customer. Also for this Internet access required.

§3 Granting of Rights

The customer acquires a simple one on the products made available, spatially unlimited, temporal for the duration of 3 (three) years limited , non-transferable right to use the products for the purpose of the personal use.

The products of exgenio Academy are protected by copyright, trademarks, trade names and other intellectual property rights. other legal aspects, if applicable. The customer recognises the existence of these rights and will protect the legal protection of the Pay attention to products.

The customer is not entitled to use the products described in this rights to exploit the use permitted.

It is not allowed to convert, modify or use purchased products. and on the Internet or other networks, whether or not for a fee to pass on, to sublicense, to make available to third parties, to exchange and/or in any way commercially use (e.g. rental, rental, sale), to pass it on to third parties or to use it in a modified, altered or form publicly accessible or in any other way outside of the scope of the to use or exploit the granting of rights.

In the event of a culpable violation of the grant of rights by the the customer, the customer is obliged to inform exgenio and the other the copyright holders all costs arising thereby in full to the extent of the refund.

The right of use is subject to the proviso of timely and Full payment of the agreed license fee.

§4 Modification of this License Agreement

exgenio reserves the right to change these conditions. Within of a continuing obligation relationship, the customer will be informed of the changes to the expressly informed and to the - highlighted - changed passages is pointed out. If the customer does not return the goods within six (6) weeks after information on the recast to recognise that he does not accept the recast accepted, this shall be deemed tacit consent and the The contractual relationship shall apply from this point in time, including the new version. away. Otherwise, the contractual relationship shall be governed by the unchanged version of these terms and conditions. exgenio will be continued with the Information about the desired changes to the customer on this meaning of his behavior.

§5 Validity of the GTC

In all other respects, the General Terms and Conditions of exgenio, available at shall be regarded as agreed. With regard to the rights of use granted for the products, the in case of contradictions, this License Agreement always prevails.

Version of our License Agreement: 08/20/2019