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exgenio -
"driven by ability"

Eric Schätzlein as a pioneer of the german internet and Jan Exner as one of the best, most effective and at the same time most entertaining trainers and personality developers in Germany, have the common vision to turn the knowledge of masters into the ability of their students.
The goal of exgenio is to obtain actual impact – in change processes, advancement and ability.

This is reflected in all our services, trainings and programs.

The founding team

Our Location -
The creative park "Alter Schlachthof"

Where ideas take place.

The area of the "Alter Schlachthof" (old or former slaughterhouse) in the eastern core of Karlsruhe is today a place where creative minds, workshops and founders of young business models have settled. Active exchange takes place here according to the "open-door principle" - whether for a drink in one of the numerous alternative gastronomic concepts, in the courtyard of the newly interpreted "Fettschmelze" (old fat melting spot of the slaughterhouse) or in the "shared gardening" place around the corner. The exciting creative and cultural park offers us space and always new impulses for the development of our vision!

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Our logo represents the five important areas of our lives: business, mind, relationship, intuition and body. We are convinced that sustainable transformation can only take place in harmony with all these areas of life.


Profession and career are core elements of life – your mission! With the right attitude and effective tools, you can create a lasting effect.


Common sense, a clever strategy, an impressively simple solution. We encourage you to think.


Valuable, fulfilling interpersonal relationships are key for living happy and healthy. Our training is in line with this.


We will show you methods and techniques of how you can consciously retrieve, unite and utilize deeper feelings and common sense.


A healthy mind works best in a healthy body. We all know it, but so many of us don't live by it. Get fit for your life – we'll show you how!